Join me at San Diego Comic-Con!

It’s July in San Diego. That means one thing to me: San Diego Comic-Con!

The Con

San Diego Comic-Con is the premier pop culture convention. For over fifty years, fans have gathered in San Diego to celebrate comics, books, art, movies, music, television, toys, science, costumes, games… everything we love about pop culture in one weekend every year. The Hollywood properties and celebrities often get the most coverage, but what I love most about Comic-Con is the joy. So many people in one space all to experience the media they love together.  

Comic-Con, San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, Hall H
Credit: Lisa Will

I spend most of my time at panels, learning from people who are at the height of their craft. Over the years, I’ve listened to my favorite comic writers and book authors describe their writing journeys. I’ve watched famous comic artists sketch the heroes we know and love. I’ve listened to composers walk the through developing movie scores. Location scouts talking about choosing just the right places to film. Lawyers describing what would happen in the aftermath of heroic, destructive battle.

The Panel

Panelists explore scientific accuracy in middle-grade sf stories and discuss whether it enhances the reading experience or gets in the way of the storytelling process. They will also talk about how accurately portrayed science can serve as a source of inspiration. Featuring authors Greg Van Eekhout (Voyage of the Dogs) and Cecil Castellucci (Flash Facts [Supergirl]) and scientists Lisa Will (resident astronomer, Fleet Science Center) and Ronald Coleman (Ph.D. in regenerative medicine).

I’ve been lucky enough to participate on several panels over the years, as science has become more of an emphasis at the con. This year, I’ll be on the Science in Middle Grade Sci-Fi panel. This panel will feature two authors and two scientists, myself included, talking about how science is depicted in works for younger readers. Is it important to be accurate? Can we forgive inaccuracies if the works are inspiring? Join us on Saturday, July 22 at 2 PM to find out!

Badges to Comic-Con have long been sold out.  However, this panel is also part of the Comic-Con Conference for Educators and Librarians! This is a little-known part of the larger con, and it’s FREE! It is held at the San Diego Central Library, which is located a few blocks away from the convention center. If you already have a Comic-Con badge, you can walk right in. If you don’t have a badge, you should register in advance because space is limited.

Here are some samples of Comic-Con panels I’ve been on previously. As you can see, we always have a lot of fun.

Hopefully we’ll see you soon at our Science in Middle Grade Sci-Fi panel!

If you’re interested in how science in pop culture, check out this page.

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